✨ Weekly Collective Reading: August 1st - 7th


This week we're being invited to try things in a new way, to change our perspective, particularly so in the way we connect with others and operate on a day-to-day basis. As a collective, we are shifting to operate more and more out of the heart space. The phrase 'follow your heart' might sound cheesy however it is our navigational system to happiness and true alignment. The more we follow or heart the more we will start to remember why we are here now and our past lives. We're being guided back to our souls, to a place of unconditional love, to a humanity that is rooted in love and not in lack and fear. As we approach the 8/8 portal you may find you have dreams of past lives or ancient wisdom being recalled. We know all the secrets of the past we just can't remember how to access them. As we operate more and more out of this heart space we will start to unlock some of the ancient knowledge. Why did they know more than us, and when did we forget?


Things are changing, we are in the midst of a changing landscape and it is changing far more than most of us realize. This changing landscape is creating massive space for new things to be rooted for a better future. Spirit is telling me 'going back to our roots'. This recollection of ancient wisdom and how our ancestors used to live is starting to resurface again. People are harnessing ancient wisdom and adding modern-day wisdom and technology to it to create truly wonderful things. Now more than ever you may be feeling inspired to create something new, whether that be something physical like art or less physical like how you live your life. Ideas are aplenty right now and it's important to keep note of them all and follow the ones that ignite your soul. Things being created now are paving the foundations for the new world and your ideas are an integral part of it. Don't worry if you think they're crazy, nothing ever changed from doing what we were already doing, and most of the worlds biggest leaps came from the 'crazy' thinkers in the world.


Spirit keeps giving me this reference of children this week. I feel there are 2 sides to this message. The first is about getting back into our childlike ways, remembering our inner child, and starting to live like we did when we were young. Carefree, creative, and present. Get back to our roots and remember our childlike dreams. To be filled with unconditional love and wild imaginations. The second is for those having children at this time. The new children of the earth are going to be far more intelligent than you can imagine. They won't fit into this world and will struggle if we try to make them fit into our current societal ways. They will have gifts that we have not seen before and will need to be nurtured accordingly. They will usher in change and support the new earth plans. These child spirits are floating around their desired families at current and so if you are not looking to have children right now it is important to be mindful of contraception. Child spirits are present way before conception and wait for the opportune moment.


I feel confused energy here this week, with regards to our futures. Lots of uncertainty particularly for those who feel as if their intuition has gone quiet. Perhaps you may have also lost momentum or enthusiasm for the direction you were going as if all of a sudden everything has just halted. This is ok, trust the rhythms of your soul. Often when it feels as though nothing is going I am reminded it is because the universe wants us to pause and rest. Be gentle with yourself and your journey, and release the need to always be moving, growing, and progressing. Sometimes the only thing that is needed is to rest, be present and just enjoy where you are at. Sometimes the universe gives us a pause before we are sent full throttle, so don't waste the precious time of rest, for you don't know when you'll get another.

Deck is the Starseed Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell

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✨ Weekly Collective Reading: August 8th - 14th


Yoga Teacher Training - Byron Yoga Centre