✨ July Energy Reading~ Mass awakening & personal changes on the collective landscape


I have been feeling this energy for some time now but it feels as if June and July are really starting to bring the impacts of this energy to the surface. collectively we are being asked to examine that which is not in alignment with our true selves and our life path. It is time for us to utilise and offer the unique gifts we were came here with and to walk the unique paths we are supposed to walk. For those who are aware they are not living in alignment with their true self, whether that be in work, relationships or the way they carry and present themselves to the world - this will no longer be allowed. The universe is going to either pull the rug of these things from under us or make it so unbearable that we eventually let it go. For those maybe unaware that they’re not in alignment or don’t know what alignment is for them ~ your intuition is going to be guiding your heavily in new directions so follow that nudge.

This is not to scare anybody - having the ug pulled from under you or your landscape suddenly change very quickly or dramatically does not need to be painful or scary - it will only be so if you continue to try to hold on to or control that which is not meant for you.

We are moving into a time of operating more from a divine feminine energy in that we will be starting to live and act from a place of intuition and feeling as opposed to logic and thinking. Things may not logically make any sense but it feels like the right thing to do or the way it makes you feel is higher vibrationally then that is what you will choose.

Now is the time to make big life changes - the energy is very supportive of this and is encouraging everybody to step into that thing or that place that lights them up.


Following on from above regarding operating from a place of feeling and intuition - this means become a master of your energy. Our feelings emit energy signatures and these can either be high vibrationally or lower. Feelings of joy, love, compassion, fulfilment, gratitude etc are all very high vibrations. When you operate from these places, you become more of a magnet to the things that are aligned to you and will attract the things you desire easier. If you are feeling emotions of sadness, resentment, anger, jealousy, irritability, hate etc then you are emitting lower density vibration and these not only effect your health but the way in which you experience the world.

In order to operate from this place of intuition and feeling you must become more self aware and in tune with the body. This is going to take some practice for a lot of people BUT rest assured it will be worth it. The more you practive operating from this place and honouring your natural instincts the stronger your connection will be and the easier it will be to hear and follow your intuition.

It is increasingly important to do things that put your energy in a state of high vibration - eg do things you LOVE, that make you HAPPY, that feel in flow and acceptance, not in resistance. To a lot of people this seems unrealistic and I have been met with many “ you cant always do what you enjoy” comments. I disagree. It seems unrealistic from a logical point of view but energetically it makes all the sense. TRUST you will be supported.

If you are feeling stagnant or low do things to raise your vibration - these can be small things that light you up but keep your vibration up and keeping attuned to your vibration is KEY.


We are creating the “new earth” now. This is why we are being ushered into our true alignment. We have our unique set of gifts, desires and experiences for a very specific reason - if we are not honouring these and existing in places that we are not called to then we are not being of service for the purpose that we came here. Yes we came here to experience life on earth and master emotions and energies BUT we also came here to offer something to. This does not have to be massive or lifechanging on a grand scale but its impact will have rippled effects even on a small scale. If you want to see change then be the change. If you want to see a new world, then be the new world. If you want a new way of being and ‘normal’ then BE that. When we embrace and action the energy we desire we help to bring it about quicker on a mass scale.


There is a lot of work going on right now energetically within the collective. People are releasing that which no longer serves, working through trauma, integrating their shadows, claiming their energy back, healing ancestral lines, clearing karma, releasing soul contracts. There really is a freeing of the souls happening right now. It really does feel like anything is possible - if you can work on this intuitive, energetically led level. Whilst some of this clearing and releasing can be uncomfortable as hell you will be so much freer and lighter afterwards to continue in the direction of your soul purpose. So if things are feeling intense for you right now, and you’re feeling exhausted, or maybe you’ve been sick and you don’t know why - trust that you are clearing energetically. You may not be actively doing anything but things are clearing on an energy level and that does have an impact on the body as it releases. again LISTEN to your body in what to do - if you feel you need rest, then rest. If you feel like switching things up, then do that. Whatever you body feels called to do will be the right thing. We must trust ourselves and our energy.

Deck is the Work your Light Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell

If you would like a 1-1 personal reading with me - you can book below. It would be my pleasure to provide you with clarity and guidance around your current situations and path.


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