✨ Weekly Collective Reading : June 6th-12th


This week spirit is encouraging us to take a leap of faith and jump in to change and adventure head first. You may be given an opportunity to make a change and spirit wants you to say yes. Opportunities arising now are being presented as a result of your thoughts and manifestations. If you have been dreaming of a new way of living or a new life, the opportunities arising are here to help you pivot and make that change. Some opportunities that come across your path may seem strange and unrelated to where you want to go but you must trust they are a neccessary stepping stone. With any opportunity use discernment, if your being does not resonate then of course do not take it, but do not judge an opportunity or throw it aside because it does not seem like the straightforward step to where you want to go. The path is never linear. Take a chance, make a change, and dive into the cosmic unknown.


There may be people in your life who do not like or agree with the new life you want for yourself, or the changes you are making to life a live of joy. You must ensure you are keeping up your energetic boundaries and are not absorbing that which is not yours. People who are not listening to their own intuition and guidance, and are too scared to make the necessary changes they need to in their life may be triggered by you doing so. They may project their fears and worries or try to deter you from the path because it makes them feel better. For good measure and energetic practice, ensure you put your white bubble of light around you every morning and close it down at night. If there are particular individuals giving you a hard time or not being supportive, you can visualise an iron wall between you energetically, so they cannot see or reach you, see their energy rebounding off the wall back to them. Spirit is guiding you to stand up for what you believe is right, if the changes you are making are important to you and feel right then stand strong in that space and do not waiver at the comments and opinions of others. There will be a lot of people who have a lot to say right now, all of them being from those not living their own authenticity and being challenged by yours.


Some of the resistance or challenges you are facing from other people right now might be being presented as a challenge to see how much you want this new life, how serious are you about living your joy and authenticity? If you follow your intuition and guidance you will find peace. Everything will work out as it’s supposed to and for the highest good of all. When you listen to your heart and intuition and follow it, when you live authentically you do a great service to the rest of humanity. You can never do wrong when you are living in your true authenticity. Even if others are distressed by your changes trust it is because they are being resistant to their own changes, not because of what you are doing. Spirit will always protect you when trust and follow your higher guidance.


There has been big portal energy for the last few weeks and it continues this week. You are birthing literal worlds and new realities right now, even if it does not appear so. On an energetic level you are orchestrating events, people, opportunities to make your dreams and your joy a reality. You may observe that you are increasingly sensitive right now, not necessarily on an emotional level (although that may also be true) but on an energetic level. You must avoid those that are not in alignment with your new path or are not supportive of it. Avoid any environments that do not help you heal and grow, avoid any situations that are not nurturing your new way of being and take care of your mind, body and soul. Think of yourself as being reborn. If you were the parent of your newborn self how would you treat yourself? Would you try to give your child self everything they dream of, shield them from environments that are not constructive to their growth? only do what’s best for them? Whatever you would do for child you as a parent, do for you now.

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✨ Weekly Collective Reading: June 13th-19th


Shaucha ~ Purification