✨ Weekly Collective Reading: June 13th-19th


This week we have creative and playful energies that provide relief from the pressure cooker of energy we've been experiencing. The energy feels easy, light, and flowing, almost as if we have assimilated and integrated the changes and energy and are now at the top of the hill enjoying the view. You may find you are flowing with creativity and ease early on this week as you receive clarity on things you have been stuck on or answers to questions you've been asking. The energy is playful and encourages you to enjoy yourself and try new things. This energy is a glimpse of what is to come later in the year as you grow into this new version of yourself on your new aligned path. The energy also feels deeply nourishing for our soul. Spirit is showing me that they are refilling up our cups after all the energy upgrades we have been assimilating. (This is not the end, just a respite and rejuvenation before we carry on again).


You may find your intuition and psychic abilities are enhanced this week as we enter a portal of energy that is thinning the veil, giving us a glimpse of what's behind the veil and what life can be. As I said in the previous slide, this energy is almost like a preview of what's to come. Get outside and be carefree, grounding in nature and spending time in or near bodies of water. Cleansing your energy will help you to attune more to the creative energy abound and glimpse further into what's to come. It'll also help rejuvenate your energy after all of the inner and energetic work coming in. Water is a very nourishing and healing element as well as spiritual. If you're feeling in need of a pick-me-up, a salt bath or spending time in those natural bodies of water will do the trick.


All that which no longer serves is being unburdened from us, either voluntarily or by force, but this is because it cannot come with us where we are going. To see through the veil and walk through into paradise you have to leave some things behind, don't worry though, these are not things you need or serve you. Any resistance to surrendering these things comes from fear or comfort, not because they add anything to your life anymore. I am being given the message of the need to purify our energy to ensure we are in the highest energetic states possible moving forward, the less we clear now the harder it will be moving forward. If we are to carry on walking up the hill, we will need to lighten our load so to speak. You may already know what things in your life need reviewing, changing, or letting go of, but if not, we are being encouraged to take stock and start surrendering the things that no longer align with who we are. I'm being told some people have been burying their head in the sand, but they are not being allowed to do so anymore.


The end of the week sees us being thrown straight back into the throws of energy upgrades and shifts. As the card describes, we are being cracked open energetically. That which does not serve is being removed for us if we are not doing it ourselves. Trust that anything not done voluntarily will be more uncomfortable if done for you. We must surrender and accept that which no longer aligns with us. I feel there is going to be a light shone on things towards the end of this week that will be close to home for many, maybe even within the home. This illumination will bring about positive change, even if at first it appears as chaos. We must trust any changes happening now are for our highest good, and if we choose a mindset of trusting there is better for us that is what we will find. Do not dwell on the things we are 'losing' for they will be replaced by something far more meaningful and beneficial to you.

Deck is the Starseed Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell

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✨ Weekly Collective Reading: June 20th-26th


✨ Weekly Collective Reading : June 6th-12th