✨ Weekly Collective Reading: June 20th-26th


This week's energy is super high vibration and may have you feeling ready to move mountains. You might find parts of yourself are 'waking up' or feeling energised. Following on from last week's more restful and rejuvenating energy it feels as though we are ready to get straight back to it this week. You may feel ready to tackle things you could not previously. You might even be feeling really bold and make some big moves in your life! I'm hearing 'you cannot fail' when tuning in to the energies - this is how you might be feeling. This is a wonderful energy to be in and places us perfectly to pull in manifestations. If you hadn't had the courage to take the leaps of faith mentioned in previous weeks, then this week might be the week you work up the courage to do so. This week sees you embracing your daring side, taking risks, and feeling ready to embark on adventures.


As mentioned in the previous slide we're in a good energy space to pull in manifestations and this card confirms that. 'Seeding the light', meaning to ground your manifestations from the energetic realm into reality. Planting those physical seeds so that your manifestation can appear in real life. See the abundance appearing all around you and realize how much is out there for you. Be receptive and alert to the blessings and opportunities being offered by the universe to realise your manifestations. If you feel compelled to take action then do so as this might be what brings in your manifestations. Remember manifestations require movement on your part to bring them in, if you follow your guidance and urges you will be led to the right people and places to recieve what you desire.


The latter of the week feels dream-like, watery and floating on the highs of this energetic wave. The energy is heavy but in a relaxed and extremely peaceful sense. As you dream about that which you desire you may find yourself more spaced out and less grounded than usual. Make sure to stay grounded and honor where you at. If you're feeling called to action then act, but if you're feeling called to rest and dream then do that. As long as you always follow your inner compass and guidance you will be on the path to happiness, fulfillment, and success.


This week feels like such a fairy tale! We close the week with such content energies. I'm being given the message of reassurance that there are happy endings this week. Despite some of the anxious energy that has been being felt collectively as a result of the life changes and physical changes occurring this week we feel hopeful and ready to tackle new challenges on our new path. We are making our way towards our utopia and finally surrendering to our highest good. For those of you that have needed a sign that things will work out this is it, keep following your guidance even if you don't understand it! You are being guided to a life that is rich and fulfilling.

Deck is the Starseed Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell
For private & personal 1:1 readings, check the services tab! <3


✨ Weekly Collective Reading: June 27th- July 3rd


✨ Weekly Collective Reading: June 13th-19th