✨ Weekly Collective Reading: June 27th- July 3rd


Spirit wants to start this week's reading off with the following phrase "love yourself enough to say yes to the things you want". This encouragement to take a leap of faith has been with us for the last 5-6 weeks. Everything you have been thinking about is ready and waiting there in the energetic realms, but it can't manifest forth into reality unless you are also taking action towards it. Remember, what you are seeking is also seeking you. It moves as you move. It does feel as though the universe is waiting for us all to make the necessary changes, changes of which we are aware of but are too afraid to take. You are not being given these new feelings, urges, and nudges for no reason, you are being given them because your soul wants to take you to new things. Stop thinking about it, act, and start putting the wheels into motion. Allowing yourself to live out your joy is actually an act of self-love. Being sensible or doing the right thing doesn't account for much if it’s not fulfilling your soul.


The nudges you've been receiving, your interests, and your intuition, are all messages from your higher self and the universe. These are all guides to take you to a place of harmony and balance within your soul and life. Whether you've taken a leap of faith or not, your intuition will guide you where you need to go. I'm being asked to remind everyone that in order to hear your intuition clearly it helps to keep your vessel cleansed. That is, your mind, body, and soul. The more you act in alignment and in harmony with your true being the easier it is to be in harmony. It is like a positive feedback loop. You do good things for yourself that make you feel good, more things come along to make you feel better. When we're feeling good that tells us we're in a place of alignment, when we're in alignment, we better hear our intuition. Be mindful of what you're consuming physically and mentally, how you're treating your body, and who you're surrounding yourself with.

There will also be actual messages coming to people this week that will be pertinent, these may come from your higher self as intuition or externally in the physical world. Be aware of the messages that are all around you, for they will be important on your path.


It is not too late to completely turn your whole life around. These creative and fertile energies are still about and they want you to utilize them. We keep being asked to take a leap of faith because the energy has never been more fertile for starting new things and forging new paths. NOW is the perfect time. There is no other time but now anyway. Spend some time dreaming, imagining what your life could look like if you followed your heart and soul callings. Don't put any barriers on it, just dream. Energetically life has been shifting to places we have never been before, places we don't recognise and that is going to start manifesting over the years to come. Now is the time to change things, to do things differently, to go 'against the grain'. What is practical or realistic isn't a thing anymore. There is only your will and your alignment.


There's been a big emphasis on energetic boundaries whilst we're in the creative energy. As you start to step into your alignment more and more and birth your new world, you start to shine brighter and brighter like a beacon. There will be some who will not like this, and it may also mean you attract lower vibrations towards you, like moths to a flame. This is why energetic boundaries are important. Simple things like casting your white light of protection around you every day help, as does remembering to send energy that does not belong to you back to where it came from along with any energies not of love and light. You can do this by thinking it mentally or saying it out loud. It will also require having physical boundaries with people who may not be supporting your changes. Imagine new babies, they’re fragile and delicate and the early years are critical in how they grow and behave moving forward. Your new world is the same, so protect it.

Deck is the Starseed Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell

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✨ Weekly Collective Reading: July 4th - 10th


✨ Weekly Collective Reading: June 20th-26th