✨ Weekly Collective Reading: July 4th - 10th


The energy seems to have shifted this week, finally, after being told for the last 5/6 weeks to jump and take a leap of faith, it feels as though we have finally done it and are now embarking on the journey of the unknown. It feels as though most people have stepped up to meet their highest selves and are putting in the work to make the necessary changes in their life. We are being encouraged again this week to be mindful of our boundaries and to also emotionally and mentally let go of that which we have released the physical. Everything exists first in the energetic realms, and so even if you have physically released something, if it is energetically still taking up space in your head and heart it cannot be filled with something new. We are reminded that we and the world are abundant. There is plenty for everyone to go around, no matter what it is you want. Unburden yourself and trust in the infinite supply of the universe. For those feeling anxious and fearful now they have made a leap of faith, the universe wants you to know you will be supported.


The universe is saying to me "Rome wasn’t built in a day and neither were you". Some of you want to run before you can walk. You have put wheels into motion and made the leap but are wanting to already be at the end destination before you have embarked on the whole journey. We're reminded we must take baby steps. I'm seeing for some, you don't know what your end destination is, but that is ok, more will be revealed as you journey on. One foot in front of the other is all you need to focus on. You need only see your next step. Keep following your guidance to know what that next step is and when to take it. What you are creating now is magical beyond your imagination but you must keep going, even if you cant piece it together yet. Trust that all will be revealed when the time is right. Trust your gut, follow your intuition and don't expect everything all at once.


Spirit is asking us to pace ourselves "it's a marathon not a race" (spirit seems to like giving me phrases more and more these days, perhaps they are easy for people to understand). Just because you've taken a leap of faith doesn't mean you should forget how to pause, slow down, rest and play. I understand for some, anxiety and financial uncertainty as a result of your leaps of faith may make you feel like you need to be constantly doing things, but actually, good things often come when you slow down. Eg when you work out, most of the good changes in your body happen when you sleep. It is the same in other areas of life, you need to come back to center, ground, and slow in order to receive inspiration and re-energize for your next leg of the journey. Not everything needs to be done now, remember baby steps. Don't forget to connect with yourself and nature regularly still. Keep tapping into your divine guidance as that is your compass, your navigator on this journey. When you slow down and allow the dust to settle from your recent changes opportunities will make themselves known, and I do feel those opportunities springing up out of nowhere.


A gentle reminder of divine timing. Again, I keep being given this vision of people pushing against a brick wall trying to make pace, but it's not time to move, right now it's time to pause. The wall will be removed or a tool to work around it will be provided when the time is right. I'm being advised to not take the first thing that comes your way just to satisfy an insecurity/fear/worry or to keep things moving. Wait for the right opportunity, you will know when it comes. Sometimes there will be periods where you ‘do’ and then you wait. It's almost as if when you are 'doing' you are unsettling the dust. You must then wait for it to settle before the universe can understand what you need next. Life is not all go, go, go, and neither is this journey. There is no need to rush or go fast, go at your own pace and remember to remain balanced. Pause and reflect and listen to your inner guidance on what to do and when.

Deck is the Starseed Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell

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✨ Weekly Collective Reading: July 11th - 17th


✨ Weekly Collective Reading: June 27th- July 3rd