✨ Weekly Collective Reading: July 11th - 17th


Something inside us is igniting this week. It is important that we stay grounded, centered, and balanced. Do not take on too much, delegate where you can if you need to, and walk the middle path this week. Do not allow yourself to be distracted by things (there will be distractions that come up to pull you off your path). For those starting to walk their new paths, you might find new things are lighting up in you. A glimmer of hope that confirms you have done the right thing. Something that reassures you you're going the right way. I'm hearing we need to have a "tunnel vision" this week in terms of keeping focussed on our own path and ourselves as opposed to anything external. Do things for how they make you feel not for the results. I am being shown that enough of us have taken the new path now and we just need to "stay the course". The stragglers will catch up eventually.


This card brings slightly different energy this week compared to previous weeks. Intuitively, this feels like an internal change. It's almost as if there has been a catalyst for change on the mental, emotional and spiritual levels. It is as if the alignment we are stepping into is also changing us on deeper more subtle levels. We are going through a transformation. Where we may have taken a leap of faith on a new path but may have not felt we were the part for the journey yet, it feels as if we are now transforming into the part, into that new version. We are not who we were and we cannot go back now even if we wanted to. Energetically we are receiving upgrades to our bodies which is happening at a more rapid rate now also. This will also create a need for us to ground more often - to anchor in the changes and keep us stable and balanced.


I'm hearing "we're on the home run now". This does not mean we are near the end, but we are on the right path to get back home to ourselves, to whom we were always meant to be. Synchronicities are going to be amping up to an incredible amount., confirming this alignment with our soul self. You may find you are feeling lighter and full of more love than before. A sense of peaceful contentment with where you are and trust in where you are going, even if you do not know where that is. It feels like total acceptance. This is because on a soul level you know you are on the right path, even if your logical human brain is still confused or unsure. Keep listening to your inner guidance, and your intuition, it will be getting stronger the further down this path you walk. Remember, your soul speaks to you in multiple ways, some of these being the synchronicities you're seeing. Keep grounded but open and aware.


You're becoming a beacon of light. A force of nature. Magnetizing all that is in alignment with you towards you. Walking your path, listening to your intuition, and committing to it regardless of societal norms and external opinions is making you a magnet for wonderful things. You're helping others do the same. By having integrity in your alignment you help others to do the same, even if you may not think it. Other opinions might start to not have the same impact on you as they once did also. You are now becoming confident in your unknown path, finding joy in the unknown. As a result, what others feel about it doesn't impact you, because you have faith in it. This will cause some people to wobble, as they no longer hold that power over you, but it will also trigger changes in them (this is how you help). You actually are more understanding of those who don't support your changes, you may not be sure why but you feel at peace with the, and may even want to help. Just know by staying on your path you're already doing all you can for others.

Deck is the Starseed Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell

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✨ Weekly Collective Reading: July 27th - 31st


✨ Weekly Collective Reading: July 4th - 10th