✨ Weekly Collective Reading: July 27th - 31st


This week we're being asked to stop putting on masks for people, to show up as our true authentic selves regardless of who we're around. Some may find this challenging, and fear that your true self may not be accepted by those closest to you, that is ok. When you keep putting false masks on to make yourself easier to digest for people, you make it harder for those just like you to find you. Others may feel more confident than ever before to just be who they are, wherever you sit, embody your true essence without fear. We're going through a bit of a shedding phase currently and that includes these masks. It's necessary right now to be your true authentic self without shame or fear and to shine your uniqueness out into the world. The universe is using this to help manifest our future paths. Trust that all will work out. Those you lose as a result of embodying your true self were meant to go, they create room for those more in alignment with you to enter. These aligned souls you are attracting are important for your future path.


We're being activated right now, I am not entirely sure what spirit means by that but this is the reason we are being asked to show up as our true selves in our fullest form now. If we chose to walk the path and be true to ourselves the universe is going to lead us to a future that is also aligned with our true selves. It brings with it many rewarding experiences and connections beyond our imagination. We are going to start operating in ways we haven't before and probably aren't used to. Following intuition without a second thought even though where it is leading us makes no sense. There is a greater power at work currently pulling us to where we need to be, do not question it. Follow the guidance wherever it may lead and trust in the path ahead. Many of you may also be feeling lost right not but are not worried about it, you just know it will work out and the right things will appear at the right time. Stay in that present and trusting space.


As a result of embodying more of your true self more and more of the time, you may have found your desires have shifted, or perhaps new desires have come into focus. Your ideal future doesn't look conventional and you're not quite sure how to go about manifesting and living your desired future life. Do not worry about this. Humanity is starting to shift into a new way of being and living. It does not matter how things are or have been, if you have a desire to create something new, or be someone new that doesn't fit any known molds then create it. If it is aligned with your true self the universe will help you to make it happen, and you will find it will happen far easier than you had thought. Pieces will just come together so effortlessly. The more you walk your true path the more you step into your power, making you even more magnetic to the things you want. Blaze your own trail. lead your own way, when you do so, you create the path for others to follow. Someone always has to be first, why not you?


By embracing your true authenticity and following your intuition you're going to start getting glimpses of how easy it is to create your reality. You're going to start questioning everything you know about life and living and your power as a human. You will start to see things more clearly ad things will come into focus. As a result, you may start making further life changes that take you further down your path. These glimpses behind the veil/matrix will be like a catalyst, triggering more and more change and more and more shedding of the old you that no longer align. You will find you start listening to your own energy and soul more and more rather than doing what society and other people expect of you. You start respecting your own innate wisdom and power and living within your own natural cycles. This may upset people, as mentioned on the first slide. People may not like this new you who is in their power and unapologetically themselves, that is ok, they are no longer for you.


Bonus card this week. The activation I spoke of in previous slides is brought forward again here. Will we choose the life we were born into, fated into, or will we choose our destiny, the path that is aligned with our true selves. Will we rise up over what is done to do what is right? You may be feeling doubtful or even fearful, as questions run through your mind and fear arises about some of the changes you know you need to make. The choice is ours right now about what life we choose. Will you choose to be activated into your true soul life, or will you stay where you are even though it no longer aligns? We will all be at different stages of this cycle right now, you may have already chosen to make changes to live your soul life and are now being presented with more, or you may be at the beginning of this journey. Wherever you are, honor where you're at, and listen to your body.

Deck is the Starseed Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell

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Yoga Teacher Training - Byron Yoga Centre


✨ Weekly Collective Reading: July 11th - 17th