✨ Weekly Collective Reading: August 15th - 21st


The energy is heavy this week, following the fallout from the lions gate portal last week on 8/8. I feel a lot of anger towards the self this week, beating ourselves up for a multitude of things - things that have happened in the past, not 'being good enough', not being 'perfect' for having changed and feeling guilty for needing to honour your new needs because it maybe puts other people out. Whatever your reason for beating yourself up, we're being asked to drop it and have some self forgiveness. Forgive yourself because you are human and there is no such thing as perfect. Your experience is your experience and that in itself makes it perfect for you, even if it doesn't feel like it. I feel sorrow and heaviness for the things that we know are falling away but maybe we can't let go of at the moment. It will be very important this week to be kind and very gentle with the self. Surrender to that which is happening around you and accept it for what it is. The image portrays a mirror image being split down the middle, this is how we are feeling, torn in two, but we must work on feeling whole again and we can only achieve this through love and forgiveness. Healing ourselves and doing the work.


Adjacent to this heavy sorrowful energy is a somewhat chaotic energy. Spirit is giving me a lot of brain chatter to represent the back and forth happening in peoples minds right now. "Do I make the change, do I not? I should stand up for myself, but I don't want to upset anyone. I'm going to start putting my needs first, but what if people think I'm selfish?" A lot of this back and forth between trying to make a positive change and also fearing it.There are moments we will catch glimpses of clarity - and a lot of this mental chatter has come because we have been healing, and clarity has come about how we need to move forward, but we are to-ing and fro-ing about the consequence of moving forward as we know there may be others around who will not deal with it well. Trust any insights you are having now are important for your soul growth, and regardless of how others around you feel about your changes, if they are divinely guided to you things will work out for the best. Remember what you think is best is not always, so stay open and accepting of whatever comes when actioning divine guidance


I feel we do hit a surrender point this week with this card. Either it all gets too much and we have no choice but to just surrender and let it go, or we make a conscious decision to surrender. Either way, we succumb to that happening to and around us and allow healing energy to flow through us. A moment occurs where we put the fear aside and take the divinely guided actions forward. Spirit wants us to know we are not alone and there is a lot of support around us at this time, if you require help, you need only ask. The more I stare at the image the more the energy changes to this almost euphoric peace, as if within our surrender to that which is going on (which feels like the weight of the ocean) we find a release and a self of calmness, a knowing that everything will be alright. .


Within this period and energy of surrender, peace and euphoria we find answers. Dreams will be potent and notable during this time so pay attention. Deja vu will happening in more frequency occurrences also. It feels as though within this surrender space, all of a sudden we just know what we need to do, and we do it without fear of the outcome, we just know its what we have to do and we walk forward in this calm and confident state. Things will just start coming together and making sense all of a sudden. You will have answers and clarity on things as if from nowhere. Lots of subtle aha moments - except you wont notice the aha, it'll just be as if it happened and you don't know when you just know you know now. Timelines of future and present will be feeling less separate and manifestations will be happening quicker. This is also what brings this confidence in what we must do, as we can feel our future timelines more presently than usual (this concept is hard to explain)


Spirit is showing me we are starting to take baby steps in the right direction. That we need only take baby steps, small and consistently everyday in order to make the leaps to where we must go. I am being shown lots of people doing this, almost like a herd of people, slowly migrating form one place to another, walking towards the sunrise, a place of hope and potential. Sometime we will be making baby steps in seemingly weird directions, ones that don't make obvious sense to our human brains and current way of living - however our current way of living is so devoid because it intentionally asks us to ignore out intuition and to do what everyone else is doing. We are all unique beings with unique paths - we are not meant to all do the same or do as others have done. If your intuition tells you to do something that defies the 'norm' do it, it is best for you. Trust yourself, allow yourself to become a wanderer of the unknown and the less travelled path - there is more excitement ahead..

Deck is the Starseed Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell

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✨ Weekly Collective Reading: August 22nd - 28th


✨ Weekly Collective Reading: August 8th - 14th