✨ Weekly Collective Reading: August 22nd - 28th


To start the week I'm being given the imagery of being pulled in two different directions trying to hold everything together. We are holding so tightly and trying to do so many things that we're starting to tear down the middle. We're exhausted, overwhelmed, overstimulated and spirit wants us to just let go. Stop trying to hold things together that don't want to be together. Allow things to unravel and unfold. Release yourself of the burden of trying to keep things going. Trying to keep things together that want to be apart is working against resistance and it will drain you. Do not fear what may come undone when you release the need to keep things running, it is not your responsibility. Allow things to unfold naturally as they will unfold for everyone's highest good. Surrender to just being and flowing with the natural flow of life.. When you do this you feel such a huge release, as if the weight of the world has been removed from your shoulders. You may also find following this release your energy plummets more somewhat, but this is just because you are in need of such rest, when you do finally let go you will go into hibernation briefly to recover. This is ok.


Following the surrender comes this dreamy sleepy like state. Almost as if we are drifting through life. I'm being shown by releasing and surrendering the burden of control there is almost this ecstatic high which makes us feel spacey and floaty. We are now so light we are floating. The element of water will be important to tune into this week also. A need to cleanse and clear out energy following the release - as i said in the previous slide, we will need to recover and re balance after being pulled in opposite directions for so long. Work with water to clear your energetic field and tune into your intuition. Water is a highly spiritual element. During this time it is also important to start speaking clearly. Be honest about how you feel, what you want, what is working what is not. Speaking and embodying truth is a part of this recovery and reset following our surrender. We may also find when we finally release the burden of keeping things together other things come to the surface for healing, things that were compressed down and unable to surface due to you taking on so many other things. Allow them to rise and flow. Flow is key.


Spirit is asking us to confront that which comes towards us, whether that be things coming up to heal or fears of what might happen if we don't always keep things together. Be brave and dive head first into them. The energy here is interesting, I feel the fear and anxiety about what may come up as a result but then this confidence, strength and bravery once we step into. A force to be reckoned with. Almost as if you realise when you step into your alignment and flow with nature and spirit that you do not need to fear anything., You feel strong and grounded in your space, and you are no longer afraid to be who you are as a result , no longer afraid of others' opinions or expectations of you., The energy shift here is quite amazing, feel the fear and do it anyway, and then you realise you didn't need to fear at all and on the other side of that fear was strength and a whole new you. A you you've been waiting for. You're finally embracing change and yourself, YOUR needs, your feelings. Finally you are listening to your higher self and working in alignment,


There is a lot of supportive energy at the moment helping you to step out of your shell and be who you really are. Supporting you in shining confidently and living your life authentically. I do feel courage is a key word of this week's energy. Courage to surrender control and to face that which comes to surface as a result of you no longer keeping things together. Courage to face that which comes up for healing as a result of letting things unfold naturally and without your control. Courage to dive head first into the things that scare you. You're being reborn on the other side and you will be changed forever. You will not go back to before once you do this. Now more than ever it is integral to be who you really are. Spirit is showing me this imagery of them being on the sidelines and screaming you on. They're rallying for you and doing everything they can to support you to be who you really are. Your divine purpose is waiting for you to be who you are. Do not fear what others may think by being yourself, do not fear what they may do. Stop trying to keep things together and allow things to just be as they are meant to be. It will all work out.

Deck is the Starseed Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell

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✨ Energy Reading - Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio (May 5th)


✨ Weekly Collective Reading: August 15th - 21st