✨ Energy Reading - Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio (May 5th)


This Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio is very much calling to the Divine Feminine energy(DFE) within us all (males and females - we all have both masc and fem energy). I do feel the energy of this eclipse will be felt more intensely for females however, as we are the physical expression of the Divine Feminine. The Divine Feminine is being called for expression, she does not want to be in a box anymore (you may have been feeling pent up or angry recently as a result). This cultivated idea of feminine energy - the ‘good girl’ that so many women try to adhere to is not the true representation of the Divine Feminine archetype. The DFE is wild and expressive, she embodies her shadows and darkness, she is in tune with her body, nature and the universe, she is bold and follows her intuition without hesitation. Women may be feeling a deep calling, a pulling from within towards a new direction that they cant ignore (or perhaps a direction they’ve been aware of for a while but ignored) - it is very important we listen to that and we allow it to lead us. Step courageously into the unknown, the darkness, for that is where the divine feminine energy shines her brightest. Release fear of what others may think of you, and trust that you know what is best for you. Years of suppression has caused the DFE to become a whisper inside us, but now, that whisper is starting to get louder again, she will not be ignored and suppressed any longer. We are entering an era of the Divine Feminine reclamation.


The power of the DFE is a force of nature, a force to be reckoned with - this scares a lot of people. For years those embodied in their DFE were branded as witches and burnt at the stake. Women were kept out of positions of powers for yeas and still largely are - this is part of what caused the feminine to retreat. This manifested as women making themselves small so not to draw attention, ignoring that inner calling from their intuition, the knowledge that works without logic of evidence. We’re being asked to start getting back in tune with our DFE, for it is safe to come out again now. Start to observe all the ways in which you shrink yourself, doubt yourself and give your power away to others. How can you start to take that back slowly? How can you start remembering the power of your DFE? The DF is the energy of feeling and embodiment. She does not need eyes to see for she feels and she knows where to go. The darkness does not scare her for she knows how to navigate without eyes. The more you trust yoru intuition, and take small steps to follow her, the easier it will be to hear here, the more confidence you will have to act without evidence or proof.


“Stop overthinking it, you’re already doing it” - a better phrase could not represent the DFE any better. The minute you go into your thinking brain, your logical brain, you step into your masculine - this is to doubt the intuition and the feminine. TRUST that you are always being led in the right direction, towards the right people at exactly the right time. TRUST that you are supported and everything will work out. If things get sticky in life, remember that you are an expert at navigating the darkness and your intuition knows the way through. The DFE is the embodiment of abundance and prosperity - she is a master receiver and knows that whatever she needs will be provided. Are you open to receiving or are you resistant? If someone offers you a compliment do you receive it or reject it? If someone offers you a coffee or a kind gesture, do you receive it without guilt and with gratitude? Start allowing yourself to receive without guilt and with pleasure - if this is hard for you start small with things like compliments, you can even start by giving yourself compliments and receiving them without judgement. The more we step into this receiving energy, the easier it will also be for us to receive the guidance from our intuition. A lot of females have been and are currently operating out of their masculine energy, due to feeling like they need to protect themselves, and also because it is still very much a mans society that women have just had to fit into - in order to fit in we have had to adopt more masculine qualities and this has slowly shifted us out of our feminine space. Start practising being in your feminine energy and you will slowly start to shift and balance your energies out.

Deck is the Starseed Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell

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✨ Energy Reading - June


✨ Weekly Collective Reading: August 22nd - 28th