✨ Energy Reading - June


The saying “As above, So below” springs to mind with this months reading and in particular this card. The messaging of grounding has become ever more present over recent weeks and I feel it is important. We are in a time of great change, greater than I think a lot of people (including myself) even realise. A lot of pillars of our society are starting to crumble, but this is creating space and fertile ground for new seeds to be planted to take its place (more on this in cards ahead). Even if we can’t see this new space physically, energetically these pillars have already fallen and are awaiting new things to take its space energetically (reality is slow to catch up to the energetic realms, and all must exist first energetically to be seen in reality). That being said, planting seeds of our desires can only be done when we are grounded. It is easy to spend a lot of time “up there”, in the realm of possibility, in the vortex, in the spiritual planes, or however you want to refer to it; but in order to actually anchor those desires into the reality we are experiencing, we must also be grounded. We cannot seed intentions and change into an earth we are not connected deeply to. As i stare at the image on the card, I am being shown that to manifest change in our reality we must first embody it. Be it before we see it.

I am also being told that as the foundations, or the rug under out feet, starts to feel like its being pulled, or becomes unstable; being grounded to the earth will be important for sanity and to keep us calm. If we want to go higher, reach higher planes, we must be equally as grounded. Spending time in nature, connecting to your body through movement and breath, walking barefoot on the earth or being in bodies of natural water are just a few ways to ground. Meditation can also help you ground if that is your intention.

This card is also representing getting back to our roots and becoming more deeply connected to nature again. The new seeds for change we are planting have a need to also be deeply integrated with nature. Whatever replaces the falling pillars of society must be pillars that work in harmony with nature (earths wellbeing) and our nature (human wellbeing), unlike the current pillars. You may observe in the card there is a face in the tree - I am hearing that earths custodians and the ancestors are ever more present and working to bring back balance in the world. There is a lot to be learnt from our “roots”, our ancestors, a simpler time when we were more connected and in harmony with mother earth. Observe in which ways you are out of harmony with your nature, the way in which your being needs and wants to exist, and also mother earth.


Note - in my version of the deck the card subtitle reads “have you answered your deepest calling” - spirit is telling me this is representing the change in timelines that earth is currently embarking on. Humanity is at a point where all that no longer aligns is become quite hard to ignore now. Things that used to work for you no longer do, things you could tolerate you now can’t, things you wanted you now don’t. You may feel as if you don’t recognise yourself, or that you’re changing at a rapid rate. The more layers of inauthenticity we embodied, the more we may be feeling this. Note when I say inauthenticity I am not meaning being intentionally fake, but whenever we do not honour our true selves, we are being inauthentic - people pleasing is a prime example of people who ignore their authentic and true nature in order to please others - the intention behind this is not one of malice or being fake, but energetically it is not aligned with our true selves and so is inauthentic. We have been living in a society whereby individuality and uniqueness is not encouraged and being different often doesn’t buy you friends or approval. This herding of people into the middle, into controllable boxes and spaces is coming to an end. It’s as if we have been dormant for a long time and finally our inner lights are turning on - illuminating all of that which isn’t in alignment with our true selves, all of that which is not for our highest good and the highest good of others. It feels as though there is so much energy about to support us in embodying our truest nature - spirit wants us to embody our inner warrior to fight for our truest selves, to not allow ourselves to deny our true selves any longer. For those who are being courageous and stepping into their true path, the doors are going to be opened for you and you will receive support in your endeavours from the spirit world. Now more than ever, the world needs people to embody their true life purpose. Are you hiding any of your true nature away? Are you walking a path that feels in alignment with you? Are you following your desires? Desires (and I mean true desires, not superficial or egotistical desires) lead us to our purpose in life. This month is a good month to spend time evaluating yourself and your life and seeing where you can make changes to embody more of who you really are.


The lady in t his card symbolises that supportive I mentioned earlier - the one here to help support us in embodying our true natures and walking our life paths. If we are aligned with our truths than everything will fall into place for us. Spirit is telling me we need to trust ourselves, our skills and our abilities - they are needed. The common narrative of what “success” is, isn’t quite right. I am being told the meaning of this word in the future will not be the same - success will be used to describe those who live their lives authentically and in joy/harmony - there is little to no emphasis on money in this version of success - it is more centred around lifestyle and a way of being/living. We are not all here to be in the spotlight and to serve millions of people, for many of us, our work lies on a much smaller scale - this does not make it any less important. The energy in this card is here to give us support and courage, particularly for those who hold feat around change and what will become. We will not find what we are looking for in the places we already exist - if they were there then we wouldn’t still be looking for them. Surrender your concerns to this energy, and ask for guidance. Trust that in divine timing you will receive what you need and that you are always exactly where you are supposed to be in that moment.

Deck is the Work your Light Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell


Exploring the Eight Limbs of Yoga: A Comprehensive Series Unveiling the Path to Self-Discovery and Spiritual Connection #1


✨ Energy Reading - Lunar Eclipse in Scorpio (May 5th)