2024 Energy Reading: A year of the divine feminine energy

I sat down and asked Spirit what the 3 main themes of 2024 will be for the collective, and here’s what it said.





Playfulness is a HUGE energy next year. Here’s why:

  • To raise the vibration of the planet through denser vibrations of fear

  • To act as a medium for healing for us as individuals but also as a collective/planet

  • To guide us on the paths we are destined to walk.

Intuition and inspired action go hand in hand, you may even call them the same thing, but living and moving through things that you feel called to do, whether for enjoyment or money will be necessary. The world is changing and we will need to rely more on our internal compasses (more of our feminine energy) to navigate through life. Inspired action is a way to do this, we do not get impulses to do things for no reason.

I feel creativity is going to be important as a means to find new solutions to not only old problems but new ones. As old structures/energies/ways of being collapse (and I feel next year will be quite a year for this), creativity will be needed to navigate through these. Most of this creativity will come from inspired action - meaning it may seem nonsensical but it is indeed purposeful.

I am also hearing it is a year that a lot of people will reconnect with themselves via the medium of creativity or pursuing that which inspires them. It feels like there is a lot to be birthed next year.

As I write this I am connecting the dots spirit is trying to feed me and that is, that this year is going to be a year of divine feminine energy. We will see this energy play out not only on the individual level but also on a collective, planetary, and societal level. It will be a very unstructured year, so be prepared to flow.

Suggested Actions:

  • Make time weekly for fun/hobbies/something that brings you joy

  • Create without expectation, use it as an outlet, a space with no judgement

  • Try to view the world through a more childlike lens of awe and wonder

  • Try not to sweat the small stuff

  • Try to flow as much as possible rather then resist and control

Number Energy: 33 & 6


In line with the DF energy coming in strong, healing and nurturing being of of the DF energies qualities, this year will be a big year of inner healing, particularly the inner child. Play as mentioned above will be key to this healing. I am hearing it will be a year of spiritual purge and cleansing, We will also be assisted with this healing through solar and cosmic activity. When reconnecting with the parts of ourselves we maybe thought lost, or parts we’d ignored, we will begin to knit together old wounds, whether we are aware of them or not.

On a physical level, our human bodies will also be purging, it will be prudent to prioritize health and wellbeing and I feel things that need balancing will be brought to the surface to be worked through. We live in a society that prioritizes money over health, and as a result, we are a society that is hugely sick, miserable, burnt out etc. We will not be able to keep doing this, and you will find next year, if you do not prioritize the self, the self will push back. Big changes are coming and we will need new ways to deal with them (queue point 1)

Suggested Actions

  • Listen to your body when it gives you queues

  • If you need rest, rest, and do not put a time limit on how long you think you should need

  • For women in their reproductive years, I recommend cycle syncing and living more aligned with your flow

  • Clean up your diet

  • Prioritise sleep

  • Develop a spiritual or mindfulness practice (even a few minutes a day)

  • Ask for help when you need it

  • Do not keep pushing when your body is showing resistance

    Number Energy: 39,12 &3


Mind/Body/Soul Healing



Walking with Destiny & Connection with spirit


Connecting with our higher selves and trusting our intuition is going to be pivotal next year. I am hearing we will be moving through a lot of smoke and mirrors and will need to trust our own internal judgement, you will not be able to reply on others to do what is best for you.

Connection with spirit and ancestors will be enhanced. Those who feel they do not have a spiritual connection will be surprised, as all of us will be experiencing developments in our spiritual gifts, even those who feel they have not tapped into theirs yet.

I feel there is a lot we will be in the dark about next year, and I am being shown a lot of moon energy. Again this is representative of the DF energy. DF energy works with chaos and intuition, she moves through the dark with comfort for she does not use her eyes but her higher senses - we will be asked to do the same and the enhancement sin our connection will aid us in doing this.

I am being shown there is a lot of spiritual help available next year also, and they will be around for whatever we need, we only have to ask.

Acceptance is another part of this, accepting that which we cannot change (embodying flow as mentioned in point 1), accepting ourselves, and accepting that sometimes what we feel is best for ourselves, others may not. Two people can believe different things, or feel different paths are best and neither of them has to be wrong. We are all individuals on our journeys and what each of us requires is different - again this is where listening to your intuition is key, and sometimes it may mean you’re walking in one direction whilst the herd is moving in the other - do not let that waver you. Courage will be required but remember if you need support you just need to ask,

Suggested Actions

  • Consult with yourself before making decisions, does that feel right to you, does it feel aligned to you?

  • If you find it hard to connect with your intuition, start small with things that maybe don’t matter. EG ask myself, should I eat this or this today, and see what response you get (note it will be subtle, don’t over think it)

  • Spend time in nature and meditation

  • Observe, and pay attention to any messages you receive, they can come in all forms. Song lyrics, overhead conversations, repeating number sequences, and comments from friends or strangers. ANYTHING. If you keep seeing something, think about why that might be. If you’re not sure, ask for help from spirit.

Number Energy: 49,13 &4


Overall, next year has big divine feminine energy, all themes explored here are facets of the divine feminine energy, which will be interesting to see play out in a masculine-dominant world.

People may view the feminine energy as soft and airy fairy but I say it has the energy of the warrior. To move through the world based on inner knowing rather than external validation, to have the courage to know when to rest and when to play and when to work, to heal and nurture. They are all qualities of strength and it is key to remember that if you feel when you’re embodying any of these qualities you’re being lazy (which can happen when shifting out of a masculine dominant energy)

A final word from me is to be kind to yourself and others. ACCEPT where we all are in our journies and that there is no such thing as perfection.

Have a fabulous 2024, I can’t wait to see it play out!


✨ August Energy Reading~ Decisions and Life Review, Transformation & Retreat, Energetic Cleansing & Mastery