✨ August Energy Reading~ Decisions and Life Review, Transformation & Retreat, Energetic Cleansing & Mastery


Many people may be feeling adrift right now. Perhaps you’ve been spaced out mentally, perhaps you’re super busy and can’t seem to find your feet, perhaps you’re toying with decisions and life changes and aren’t sure where your next step is, whatever it is, there is an energy of feeling disconnected and lost. Personally, I have been feeling like I am in a cocoon, needing lots of quiet and introverted time for no reason at all.

The energy feels dense, slow and heavy, like trying to move through water. The cocoon energy I am feeling - is representative of transformation. When a caterpillar goes into it’s cocoon, it too cannot see anything, disconnected but protected from the outer world. Perhaps feeling very unlike itself as it morphs from one thing to another, It needs time to cultivate its energy whilst transitioning and making changes - I feel this is what is happening for each of us.

Decisions we may be posed with right now, or changes that may be happening to us are all so that we can shift out of what we are not/where we are not supposed to be, into what we truly are and where we need to be going.

Trust that on a soul level you know exactly what is happening and where you’re going - even if you don’t remember. It is time to step into your natural gifts, into things and places that bring you joy. This will help shift some of this denser energy.

Even in nature we can see this cleansing, with the weather. A time of year supposed to be filled with warmth and sunshine has done nothing but rain. It has been overcast for nearly all of July and August is looking no different. Even mother nature is encouraging us to retreat in.


The energy we are moving through now, this clearing and cleansing of what we are not as we morph into all that we are - is akin to that of “wiping the slate clean” so that we may create from a place of authenticity. We are being given opportunities to claim back our power and to master our own energies. Things that manipulate our energy or drain our energy may be becoming quite noticeable - you may be wanting space from these things/places/people or be becoming aware that you don’t feel good after being around them. You may be moving away from then entirely, or perhaps this is where the decisions I mentioned above may be stemming from - what do I do with this scenario, I know it doesn’t make me happy, but what do I do? maybe to simply remove yourself from that person/place/thing isn’t so “simple”. We are being given the choice to claim back our joy and energy though - if we choose not to it will be OUR choice now. (ps, whenever we step into authenticity the universe always supports us, we just have to trust and keep walking our path).

Like the image, stepping into an energy of connection with our true and highest self is like standing at the top of the hill - it gives us a greater viewpoint for things, allows us to move more freely. We are at a point where we are reaching the top of the mountain now, although the climb may feel tiring. Keep going, listen to your body, your intuition and move from that place to navigate through this month


The imagery on this card could symbolise that of the cocoon energy I reference. The white enveloping the mans body - this is an upgrade and a cleansing as mentioned. Purification of the body, mind and soul so that we may move about more freely.

The reading this month very much echos the same message within each card. Trust yourself and your intuition, trust where you are lead, know that you are releasing and cleansing so that we may step into a more authentic place, so that we may regain our energy and master how to use it


The water in this card is representative of the merging between our more spiritual ethereal self and the physical earth bound self. Water also symbolising purification, stripping us of all that is not our true self. It is an important time to retreat into the cocoon and rest, conserve your energy. Take care of yourself, remove yourself from places that are going to push you to your edge or deplete you. September is going to be fast paced and a very different energy to this, I feel we are being given this energy of retreat intentionally so that we may better move through what’s to come in september.

Deck is the Work your Light Oracle deck by Rebecca Campbell

If you would like a 1-1 personal reading with me - you can book below. It would be my pleasure to provide you with clarity and guidance around your current situations and path.


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